The Situation: The Master Center is a physician-led addiction treatment program that focuses on helping patients move from addiction to long-term recovery. They have doubled in size every year since their founding in 2016 and are planning to continue that growth, including expansion into other geographic locations. This growth will require both the leadership and clinical teams to be able to work together well, and to handle the changes that come with increased business and new staff.
The Challenge: CEO Anna McKean recognized that Master Center professionals are talented but oriented towards the clinical care of patients. This is appropriate, but the executive and clinical leadership teams in particular need to understand the realities of operating a growing business, including managing the stresses and changes that come with high growth as well as handling the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Anna looked for a way to help her team better understand themselves and their team members, and to provide them with tools to improve leadership and communication skills that would have real-time impact in the work environment.
The Solution: Anna and Human Resources Coordinator Sarah Houston conferred with Susan Rucker about potential solutions, and all agreed that the ProScan and TeamScan tools combined with training on how to use them would benefit the teams.
ProScan is a strengths-assessment tool that gives participant a view of how they lead and communicate based on their profile. Given to over six million working adults, this tool also helps people understand the level of stress they are experiencing and how it is affecting their behavior. This tool is consistently rated as one of the most valuable parts of both coaching engagement and leadership training courses offered by LeadSpark. The TeamScan combines the ProScans of a team, and this composite allows team members to understand team dynamics, how they will perceive each other, and how they can best anticipate the operating style of the team.
Each member of the executive and leadership teams took the ProScan and participated in a group debrief on how to interpret the ProScan. There were separate follow up sessions with the executive and clinical leadership teams to review their respective TeamScans and team dynamics, as well as to help them better understand leadership and communications styles, as well as to focus on how they can leverage their styles to improve team performance.
The Result: The sessions were helpful to team members. In fact, team leaders have asked for follow up sessions to “dive into” how they can better help their teams. In addition to increased self-awareness and awareness of how the teams operate, participants identified skills that they need to develop and are incorporating them into their personal development plans. These sessions have also created a common way to talk about team and personal interactions, and leadership and communication styles. The Master Center has determined that they will use the ProScan and TeamScan as a part of the on-boarding process for key employees going forward.
The Reaction: “The ProScan has helped me better understand who my employees are and how I can best work with them. The ProScan and TeamScan instruments have also helped me think about when teams will need additional support as they face the challenges of managing the growth and scaling of our business,” stated CEO Anna McKean.
“Giving employees the opportunity to learn more about themselves is a real bonus,” says Human Resources Coordinator Sarah Houston. “We are especially excited that these sessions have laid the groundwork for the future professional development of our workforce and that we will be able to build on it as we move forward.”